
How far in advance do I need to book?
Of course, the earlier, the better to ensure booking. However, even if your event is the next day, you are welcome to ask. We can cater for most events right up to the last moment!

How can I make sure I get the photographs that I want?
We are committed to respecting your event and the reasons behind it. We will have a chat before it begins to make sure that the photographs taken will reflect this. It can be from the person it's being held for, a surprise presentation, people you haven't seen for ages, to the importance of the act booked.

How soon after the event do I get a copy of the photographs?
Once the event is over, it will take 2 days to process them and get them looking amazing! Once done, a link will be created and sent by email for you to get them exclusively.

Are there any other ways to receive the photographs?
Absolutely! We can put them on a memory stick or disc if you like. We can also present them in an album or book if you wish. Of course, printed versions will take longer and will be an added cost to be discussed separately.

Can I order individual prints?
Once you receive the images digitally, you are free to print as many as you like! We can provide the ability to order prints at an extra cost for yourself and your guests if you wish.

How much control do I have over the use of the photographs?
Ultimately, we retain the copyright and use some of the images to promote ourselves and increase our portfolio. However, to make sure you are happy with what we pick, we give you two days of the images to yourself before using them. This gives you the opportunity to review them and let us know of any you want us to exclude.

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